Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing practice that involves inserting ultra-thin needles at strategic points on the body to promote balance, alleviate pain, and address a wide range of health concerns.
Our trained and certified acupuncturists provide targeted treatments to help you achieve your wellness goals. Whether you're seeking relief from headaches, stress, or muscular tension or you’re looking to enhance the results of your cosmetic treatments, we can help.
Acupuncture offers a natural, holistic approach to improving your overall health and beauty.
Your acupuncture treatment at Centennial Smiles begins with a comprehensive consultation. One of our certified acupuncturists will speak with you about your health history, current concerns, and goals to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
After your session, your acupuncturist will gently remove the needles and provide any necessary aftercare instructions.
Acupuncture sessions typically last between 30 and 60 minutes, during which you’ll rest comfortably with the needles in place. Your acupuncturist may also incorporate additional techniques, such as heat therapy or massage, to enhance the effects of your treatment.
During your acupuncture session, you’ll relax in a comfortable, private treatment room. Your acupuncturist will carefully insert ultra-thin, sterile needles at specific points on your body, depending on your treatment goals. These needles are designed to stimulate specific energy pathways, or meridians, to promote healing, balance, and pain relief.
Most patients report little to no discomfort during the needle insertion process and often experience a deep sense of relaxation and well-being during their treatment.
At Centennial Smiles, we prioritize your complete wellness. Call us or use our convenient online appointment system to book a free consultation today.