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Centennial Smiles Dental Blog

What Can I Do About Teeth Gaps?

Several options are available at the dental office for closing gaps between teeth.

A woman holding her mouth in pain.

Why You Should Not Ignore a Toothache

No matter how minor a toothache may seem, having it checked by the dentist as soon as possible helps.

A child brushing her teeth.

How Important Is the Condition of Your Child's Baby Teeth?

Hereโ€™s why you need to pay attention to your childโ€™s teeth and take them to the dentist for routine checkups.

A woman pointing to her smile.

Can a Dentist Tighten a Loose Tooth?

Should a loose tooth be a major cause for concern? See how a dentist can help fix it.

A woman looking thoughtful.

7 Myths About Dental Care

Beware of these common dental misconceptions that could harm your oral health in the long run.

A man running from a giant model of teeth.

How to Overcome Fear of the Dentist: Coping Strategies to Try

Consider these tips to help manage your dental fears and enjoy pleasant visits.

Children standing in a huddle.

5 Useful Dental Tips for Children

Protect your childโ€™s oral health with the help of these tips, and donโ€™t forget to see the dentist for expert advice.

A woman brushing her teeth and shrugging.

8 Common Brushing Mistakes You Might Not Know Youโ€™re Making

Are you making these brushing mistakes? See how they can potentially affect your oral health and how you can correct them.

A pregnant woman at a dentist appointment.

Visiting the Dentist While Pregnant: Is It Safe?

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it also brings a multitude of health concerns that are important for expecting mothers to be aware of. One of these concerns is dental hygiene โ€“ can you visit the dentist while pregnant, and if so, is it safe?

A woman smiling.

How does vitamin D deficiency affect your teeth?

Hereโ€™s why your oral health and general health need an adequate vitamin d supply.

What happens to teeth when you age?

As we age, our teeth can begin to degenerate, leading to a variety of issues such as cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. While this is a natural part of the aging process, there are steps we can take to help keep our teeth healthy as we get older.

Why you should invest in an electric toothbrush

An electric toothbrush is a small but powerful investment in your oral hygiene. Unlike a traditional manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush uses a motor to oscillate and rotate the brush head, providing a more thorough and effective cleaning of your teeth and gums.

Smile Survival: Halloween Candy Eating Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

How much of oral health is genetic? Can you inherit dental problems? Do you feel you have โ€˜bad teethโ€™ because of your family history? Genetics is indeed related to oral health, but not all issues can be attributed to it. Your risks of developing dental problems, such as gum disease, can increase if it runs […]

Should I Still See the Dentist Even if My Toothache is Gone?

Toothaches can occur due to various reasons. Hereโ€™s the best thing to do if they suddenly subside.

What is charcoal toothpaste and how does it work?

See what dental authorities have to say about charcoal toothpaste and whether switching to it is worth it.

How Does Dysport Work?

Dysport treatments are also offered in Calgary dental offices. Find out how they work and the benefits they offer.

How common is dental anxiety?

How common is dental anxiety? Nervous about the dentist, but need treatment? Youโ€™re not alone. According to The Journal of the Canadian Dental Association about 22 percent of patients experience extreme fear or anxiety of seeing the dentist. The idea of having someone explore a personal area such as your mouth, gums and teeth can […]

Snacks All At Once or Spaced Out?

There is no doubt that snacking is high with families being home more. In this video, Dr. Rhemtulla talks about how cavities are formed and if itโ€™s better to snack in one sitting or over a period of time.

The Jobs Your Teeth Do

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Why Are My Gums Itchy?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Gum Contouring

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

How Diabetes Affects Mouth Health

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

How To Brush Your Teeth The Right Way

Brushing your teeth properly will help prevent inflammation of the gums, tooth decay and tooth sensitivity.

Tooth Remineralization

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What Oral Diseases Should I Watch For ?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Confronting Enamel Erosion

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What You Need To Know About Dental Numbness

Why does the dentist stick a needle in my gums? Why does my mouth feel numb? The answer to these questions involves dental anesthetic.

All About Dental Abscesses

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What Health Problems Is Your Dentist Able To Detect?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

How To Soothe Mouth Burns

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What You Should Know About Cavities

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

How To Deal With A Chipped Tooth | Centennial Smiles Dental | Downtown Dentist in Calgary, AB

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

A dentist performing a tooth extraction.

How To Avoid Tooth Extractions | Centennial Smiles Dental | Downtown Dentist in Calgary, AB

Having a tooth extracted can be unpleasant!  To avoid complications, follow the precautions and instructions from your dentist for preparation and aftercare.

What Is The Deal With Tooth Sensitivity | Centennial Smiles Dental | Downtown Dentist in Calgary, AB

Coping With Dental Anxiety | Centennial Smiles Dental | Downtown Dentist in Calgary, AB

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Whatโ€™s the Best Age to Use Invisalign? | Centennial Smiles Dental | Downtown Dentist in Calgary, AB

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Smoking And Your Oral Health

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What Is Gingivitis?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

When the Tooth Fairy Comes To Visit

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Superfoods that can help prevent cavities

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Why Do i Have Bad Breath?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

How Much Of Oral Health Is Genetic?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Toothpaste And Tik-Tok

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Why Do I Have Bad Breath Part #2

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What Happens When You Ignore An Infected Tooth

Your tooth feels sore but you decide to ignore it since the pain comes and goes anyway. Do you often see yourself in this situation? Should you ignore the discomfort?

Is Pop The Worst Drink For Your Teeth?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Living With Dental Anxiety

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Are Implants Right For Me?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

What Are Dental Implants?

Do you have more questions about dental implants? Are you wondering if youโ€™re qualified for the treatment? We can help you here at Centennial Smiles.

How Long Does The Invisalign Process Take?

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

The Suprising Link Between Heart Disease And Your Health

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

10 Reasons to Still See Your Dentist Even During The Pandemic

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Oral Health For New Moms

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Sports Drinks And Your Teeth

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Alcohol And Oral Health

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Is Carbonated Water Bad For Your Teeth?

Sparkling water is better for the teeth compared to the typical carbonated beverages, but still is not as good as water. It still has acid content โ€“ level may vary per brand - but on a weaker level.

Centennial Smiles Dental Introduction

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

A Lifetime Of Smiles

At Centennial Smiles Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with excellent dental services, treatment, and care in a warm and friendly environment.

Dr. Rhemtulla Talks About Dental Crowns

Dr. Tasneem Rhemtulla explains when dental crowns are used, why they are used, and their benefits.

Dr. Rhemtulla Talks About Invisalign

A clear solution for aligning your teeth, Dr. Rhemtulla talks about the benefits of Invisalign and if it's the right choice for you.

Herbal Remedies For Tooth Pain

Dr. Rhemtulla would like to share some herbal remedies for tooth pain. PLEASE BE AWARE -- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or your pain persists longer than 2 days to please consult with Dr. Rhemtulla before trying. We are checking emails and messages daily and one of our dedicated team members will respond back to you!

Itero Scanner

What is Digital Smile Design? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What is Digital Smile Design? Digital Smile Design is a dental treatment plan that takes into account an individual patientโ€™s features and desires. Digital scans, photographs and videos are taken of the clients dental and facial proportions. These images allow the dentist to study the patientโ€™s face, smile, teeth arrangement and condition. ย This information is used to create a virtual treatment plan.

How Medication Affects Your Oral Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Medication Affects Your Oral Health Medications are beneficial and necessary, but did you know that some medicines can affect the health of your teeth and gums? ย Always discuss your medications (prescribed and over-the counter) with your dentist, and ask for specific dental care instructions.

Is Deep Teeth Cleaning Necessary? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Deep Teeth Cleaning Necessary? You have probably had your teeth cleaned before by your dentist or hygienist, but have you heard of deep teeth cleaning, and do you need it?

Taking Care Of Your Veneers - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why Is Milk Good For Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

You have have heard at some point throughout your childhood that you should drink milk to grow strong healthy teeth […]

Three Ways to Have A Healthier Mouth In The New Year - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Now that 2019 is finally here, itโ€™s a perfect time to consider taking up a new hobby, exploring a new idea, or […]

Watch For These Cavitiy Symptoms - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How do I know if I have a cavity?The signs and symptoms of cavities vary, depending on their severity and location.

Prepare Your Smile For Valentine's Day - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

With Valentineโ€™s Day around the corner, you may be feeling extra conscious about the state of your smile.

Key Benefits Of Flossing - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

One of the main reasons why we brush our teeth is to remove plaque. Plaque is made up of layers of bacteria […]

How Often Should You Floss - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

An Introduction To Your Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Whatโ€™s the Best Age to Use Invisalign? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Whatโ€™s the Best Age to Use Invisalign? Invisalign is an alternative to traditional metal braces. ย It is a series of computer designed, removable trays custom-made for your mouth. The trays are made of smooth, comfortable plastic and are virtually invisible. ย You wear these trays over your teeth to help with dental problems such as crowding, overbites, underbites and gapping between teeth. Depending on your problem, you may wear invisalign for approximately eight to eighteen months.

Oral Health for Pregnant Women - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Oral Health for Pregnant Women Congratulations on the incoming newest member of your family! With many preparations to be made and a plethora of changes to your body, it can be easy to forget about your oral health. Like the rest of you, your teeth will be affected by your pregnancy and will need to be well looked after during this critical time.

Facing Your Dental-phobia - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Facing Your Dental-phobia A fear of the dentist isnโ€™t something only experienced by children. If you get feelings of anxiety when visiting the dentist, chances are you arenโ€™t alone. While general feelings of unease and anxiety are quite common, some people experience debilitating and severe dental-phobia, or fear of the dentist.

Proven Ways to Prevent Gum Disease - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Proven Ways to Prevent Gum Disease Gum disease is something that many Canadians will experience, to varying degrees, in their lifetime. Although the term sounds scary and untreated gum disease can be dangerous, there are certainly ways you can protect against it!

Brushing Before or After Breakfast - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Brushing Before or After Breakfast If youโ€™re someone who always brushes their teeth before breakfast, brushing afterwards might seem strange or awkward. Similarly, if youโ€™ve always brushed your teeth after breakfast, the thought of brushing before might seem bewildering. Is there really an advantage to brushing before or after breakfast?

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Healthy New Year's Resolutions With the new year right around the corner, it might seem like everyone around you is setting goals and thinking of new yearโ€™s resolutions for themselves. New yearโ€™s resolutions can be notoriously tricky to keep, especially those that require a large time commitment. This year, aim to improve your oral hygiene with some simple healthy habits that wonโ€™t eat hours out of your day!

New Year New Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

New Year New Smile The new year is the perfect time to evaluate your current goals and think about setting some new ones. Weโ€™ve all heard of the standard new years resolutions, which essentially revolves around stopping bad habits while developing better ones. Despite our best efforts, it can be difficult to stick to these kinds of resolutions long term, and many donโ€™t end up lasting long enough for you to reap any real benefit. This year, instead of taking on a new activity, set yourself the goal of getting a dazzling new smile!

All About Dental Crowns - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

All About Dental Crowns Thereโ€™s a good chance that you or someone who know has gotten a dental crown at some point in your life. What do dentists mean when they talk about dental crowns, and why might you you require one? What is a Dental Crown?

Cosmetic Dentistry for the Holidays - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Cosmetic dentistry can be used to refer to any dental treatment done to improve your smile and appearance. A straighter smile can be a source of confidence, pride, and happiness, and can make an appreciable impact on your quality of life. Moreover, a confident smile can provide a boost to your mental well being and self-esteem. Aside from being a morale boost, straighter teeth can help reduce headaches and jaw pain and restore damaged teeth.

Prepare Your Kidsโ€™ Dental Hygiene for the Holiday Season - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Prepare Your Kidsโ€™ Dental Hygiene for the Holiday Season Despite the holidays being just around the corner, school and work are likely still swinging in high gear. During this busy time, it becomes easy to lose track of our day to day activities. Perhaps your kids have stopped brushing their teeth in the morning to save time, or youโ€™ve been putting off that dental appointment. Thereโ€™s no time like the present to get back into the swing of things and check in with your oral hygiene!

Using Your Dental Benefits Before Year-End - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Using Your Dental Benefits Before Year-End Chances Chances are good that your dental benefits will reset come the end of the year. This means that youโ€™ll lose out on any and all unused benefits once the new year hits. If youโ€™ve been putting off a dental visit or have outstanding dental work that needs to be done, now is the perfect time to get to it!

All About Dental Implants - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

All About Dental Implants Missing teeth, if left untreated, can cause a host of issues for your mouth. If youโ€™ve got a missing tooth, itโ€™s best to get it treated as soon as possible. There are a variety of ways to fix this issue; today weโ€™ll be looking at one of them in particular […]

Options for Tooth Fillings - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Options for Tooth Fillings Human teeth are undeniably strong, but they arenโ€™t immune to damage. Poor diet choices, a lack of oral hygiene, and general wear and tear can lead to tooth decay and cavities. When this happens, youโ€™ll need to visit your dentist to get a filling done. What kinds of fillers do dentists use to patch up teeth?

Halloween Candy and a Healthy Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Halloween Candy and a Healthy Smile Itโ€™s that time of year again! With Halloween right around the corner, dentists everywhere are keeping a wary eye out for the influx of new patients with cavities. Avoid having your child be a part of that crowd this Halloween by choosing some tooth-friendly Halloween treats!

Taking Care of Your Smile During Pregnancy - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Taking Care of Your Smile During Pregnancy Pregnancy can be both exciting and terrifying. With your body undergoing so many changes on so many levels, not to mention the human thatโ€™s growing inside you, thereโ€™s enough for you to be worrying about. Put one more worry to rest by learning about how pregnancy affects your smile.

Invisalign VS Traditional Braces - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Invisalign VS Traditional Braces Recent advances in orthodontic technology have allowed people to achieve the smile they want with less discomfort and in a shorter time frame. There are now multiple options one can choose from when deciding which kind of orthodontic treatment works best for them. Not a fan of braces? Not a problem, we have a solution for you!

What to Expect at Your First Appointment - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What to Expect at Your First Appointment Life is full of firsts. First steps, first words, and first dental appointments! Having healthy teeth thatโ€™ll last a lifetime means starting with proper oral hygiene right from the beginning. Whenโ€™s the best time for your child to come in for their first ever dental appointment, and what can you do to prepare?

Sleep Apnea and MATRx - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Sleep Apnea and MATRx Find yourself getting sleepy at random times during the day? Notice your partner starting to snore more often at night? These are signs that you might have sleep apnea. What can technology like MATRx do for those who are suffering from this sleep disorder?

Teaching Your Children About Dental Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Teaching Your Children About Dental Health Ensuring a city full of happy and healthy smiles starts right at home. As parents, you have the responsibility of making sure that your child is learning the proper oral hygiene habits they need to nurture a lifelong smile. What are the steps you can take towards achieving this goal?

Summer Foods That are Dentist Approved - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Summer Foods That are Dentist Approved With the hot summer sun beating down on us, itโ€™s easy to get tempted by the plethora of cool and sweet treats that are available. This summer, resist junk foodโ€™s siren call and satiate your appetite at the same time with some dentist approved summer foods!

Three Summer Foods that Hurt Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Three Summer Foods that Hurt Teeth What better way to escape the summer heat than a cool slushie? How can a fun night camping be complete without a delicious sโ€™more? While these summer treats are certainly easy on the taste buds, your teeth wonโ€™t be as happy. Find out what your favourite summer foods are doing to your teeth.

Is Fluoride-Free Toothpaste Just as Effective? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Fluoride-Free Toothpaste Just as Effective? From a young age, weโ€™re taught to brush our teeth using toothpaste. Most of us just accept this at face value, but when was the last time you stopped to think about why you need to brush with toothpaste at all? What is it about toothpaste that makes it so important?

Toothpaste for Adults vs Children - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Toothpaste for Adults vs Children Toothpaste is a critical component in any proper oral hygiene routine. Brushing your teeth without toothpaste simply does not have the same effect. These days, it seems there are too many toothpaste options out there to choose from. As if it wasnโ€™t already enough, we also seem to enjoy differentiating between adult toothpaste and child-friendly toothpaste! Once you take away to bright colours and marketing, is there really any difference between these two?

Be a Dental Role Model - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Fatherโ€™s Day and Motherโ€™s Day might be behind us, but that doesnโ€™t mean your children stop looking up to you as their role model! They know that their parents arenโ€™t afraid of anything, including scary dentists. Help your child get over their dental anxiety by taking them along when you go to get your dental cleaning done!

When a Tooth Gets Sick - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

When a Tooth Gets Sick Like any other part of your body, your teeth arenโ€™t immune to illness and disease. Hungry bacteria are always on the hunt for new surfaces to colonize and the constant grinding and munching of food takes a toll on enamel. The good news is that proper oral hygiene and care can go a long ways towards keeping your smile bright and healthy. However, there do come times where teeth are too sick to get well on their own and require further treatment.

Is Your Child Ready for Orthodontics? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Your Child Ready for Orthodontics? Sometimes we see overeager parents who take their children in for an orthodontics consultation much too early. On the other hand, some parents wait until the most opportune time for orthodontic treatment has passed before booking their child in for an appointment. How can you strike a happy medium between these two extremes?

Teeth Whitening for Summer Events - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Teeth Whitening for Summer Events With the warm weather finally upon us, itโ€™s time to think about getting some teeth whitening work done in preparation for those large summer events. Graduations, weddings, vacations, and reunions are just some examples of fun summer activities where youโ€™ll want to present your best smile to the world.

Brushing Before or After Breakfast? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Brushing Before or After Breakfast If youโ€™re someone who always brushes their teeth before breakfast, brushing afterwards might seem strange or awkward. Similarly, if youโ€™ve always brushed your teeth after breakfast, the thought of brushing before might seem bewildering. Is there really an advantage to brushing before or after breakfast?

Your Smile and Aging - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Your Smile and Aging Overall, credit should be given to teeth for their incredible durability. Overall, credit should be given to teeth for their incredible durability. Once your baby teeth are lost, your adult teeth are what youโ€™re stuck with for the rest of your life and they hold up pretty well with regular care. With the constant grinding and munching of food, plus the never ending battle against hungry bacteria looking to colonize your mouth, teeth have to put up with a lot. Moreover, enamel wears down with continuous exposure to acidic foods and becomes increasingly difficult for teeth to replace.

Dental Care for New Mothers - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Itโ€™s an unfortunate reality that going through pregnancy will result in changes to your hormone levels and therefore changes to your oral cavity. In particular, changes in the content of your saliva can have a drastic impact on your teeth and gums. Moreover, once your baby is finally here, what aspects of their oral hygiene should you be concerned about?

Gum Disease vs Cavities - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Gum Disease vs Cavities ten times it can appear as though there exist too many problems with teeth that are impossible to avoid. The reality is that most of these are minor issues that are easily treated and can be avoided with proper oral hygiene care. Two of the most common issues we see with patients are inflammation of the gum line and cavities. But out of these two common ailments, which can be considered the lesser of two evils?

When Should Your Child First See a Dentist? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

When Should Your Child First See a Dentist? Here at Centennial Smiles Dental, we often stress the importance of making sure that your child undergoes regular dental checkups to catch any issues and problems early. However, bringing your newborn in when they donโ€™t yet have any teeth might be overdoing it. At what age should you first take your child to see a dentist?

Orthodontics Is About More Than a Pretty Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Orthodontics Is About More Than a Pretty Smile As great as it is to have a neat row of straight teeth, orthodontic treatment has benefits beyond just aesthetics. Having a properly aligned jaw is extremely important for your long term health, and an improper bite can lead to pain and complications down the road. What are the benefits of undergoing orthodontic treatment besides being able to be proud of your smile?

Is Your Smile Ready for Wedding Season? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Your Smile Ready for Wedding Season? Summertime in Alberta is short and sweet, so itโ€™s best to take full advantage of the few warm days that we have before old man winter comes back to knock down the door. If youโ€™re planning your wedding for this summer, now is the time to get working on presenting that perfect newlywed smile.

Should Your Mouthwash Include Alcohol? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Should Your Mouthwash Include Alcohol? Mouthwashes are an important part of any oral hygiene routine, and should be included along with regular brushing and flossing for maximum effect. In the past, most mouthwashes have included various concentrations of ethanol, or alcohol, which helps eliminate bacteria living inside your mouth. However, there are also many different mouthwashes out there that donโ€™t list ethanol as an ingredient. What are the difference between these, and which kind of mouthwash should you use?

Get Your Smile Ready for Graduation - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Get Your Smile Ready for Graduation Graduation time is almost here! Youโ€™ve worked hard these past few years to get to where you are today, and should take pride in all that youโ€™ve accomplished as you cross the stage towards your university degree. Ensure that this special day is made memorable by approaching it with your best face forward!

Invisalign for Teens and Professionals Alike - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Invisalign for Teens and Professionals Alike While everyone wants to have a bright and winning smile, the process to get there can be quite long. Orthodontics have traditionally had a bad reputation, with braces being compared to unflattering objects like train tracks. However, the days of enduring the torment of metal brackets and wires are over. For those looking to develop their perfect smile, Invisalign might be an option for you!

How to Have a Dentist-Approved Easter - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How to Have a Dentist-Approved Easter The Easter holidays are here, bringing along warmer weather and plenty of chocolates and sweets. While us adults look forward to enjoying both of these, your childโ€™s sweet tooth will likely have a bit more of a bias. Donโ€™t let your child fall victim to the Easter bunnyโ€™s delicious siren call!

Top 3 Easter Treats to Steer Clear Of - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Top 3 Easter Treats to Steer Clear Of The Easter holidays are celebrated to varying degrees from house to house, but will likely involve some amount of chocolate and candy. Children everywhere look forward to visits from the Easter bunny and to scrounging up sweets in their local egg hunt. Where sweets are involved, teeth are involved as well! Weโ€™re here to show you how to be wary about what kinds of treats that you or your children are ingesting while still being able to enjoy yourself.

Dentist Approved Snacks for Kids - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dentist Approved Snacks for Kids he lookout for anything that can satiate their sweet tooth. More often than not, those treats tend to be hard on their teeth and can have long lasting negative effects. To help combat this problem without depriving them of their favourite treats, here are some โ€œdentist-approvedโ€ snacks that can keep both your child and your dentist smiling!

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays? X-rays are a highly useful diagnostic tool used in dentistry to help view otherwise invisible damage. However, there are often concerns regarding the safety of X-rays and whether or not the cost is worth the benefit. Weโ€™re here today to shed some light on the mystery.

3 Tips for Picking the Right Toothbrush - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

3 Tips for Picking the Right Toothbrush Your toothbrush is your primary tool and first line of defense against the waves of bacterial plaque constantly threatening to colonize your teeth. As such, itโ€™s important that you choose wisely to ensure you can maximize the benefit your toothbrush can give to you. Store shelves are filled

How Pregnancy Affects Your Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Pregnancy Affects Your Teeth First off, congratulations on your newest incoming member of the family! Having a baby is a wondrous and momentous occasion, but there remains nine months of work to do first. During this time, your body will undergo many changes, some of which will have effects that extend to seemingly unrelated aspects of your health. This includes your oral cavity and your teeth!

How Often Should You Book a Preventive Dental Exam? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Often Should You Book a Preventive Dental Exam? Preventive dental exams arenโ€™t useful because they treat problems, but because they prevent them from happening in the first place! Why bother going through a taxing and costly treatment when you can stop it from being required at all?

Root Canals and Tooth Extractions - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Root Canals and Tooth Extractions Damaged teeth can easily become dangerous for both neighboring teeth and your mouth as a whole. Itโ€™s important for any damage to be repaired quickly and effectively. In some cases, the damage may be too severe, or cannot be repaired for some other reason. In these scenarios, tooth removal might be the best option.

A Valentine Ready Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

A Valentine Ready Smile With the new year and holiday season well behind us and no major holiday breaks in sight, itโ€™s easy to adopt a bleak outlook for the rest of the year. Instead of sitting idly and letting the weeks pass by, take action to prepare yourself for the age old tradition of […]

Are Dental X-rays Dangerous - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Are Dental X-rays Dangerous The name x-ray was created when the researcher who discovered them couldnโ€™t figure out what they were. Since then, the name has stuck around and settled permanently, but is still not all that revealing. What is an x-ray and why is it being shone at your teeth?

Face Your Dentophobia This Year - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Face Your Dentophobia This Year Having a fear Having a fear of the dentist is not just something children experience and is more common than you might think. Dentophobia can stem from a variety of reasons and can have a range of severities, making it very difficult to pinpoint an exact cause or trigger. However, the dental team at Centennial Smiles is well versed in working with anxious patients, and do everything in ย our power to ensure that you feel right at home and know what treatments are given.

Make This Years Resolution a Confident Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Make This Years Resolution a Confident Smile off as a delightful taste sensation, but more often than not the sensation doesnโ€™t last all that long. This year, why not try for a resolution that takes only a small time commitment ย but will result in rewards that youโ€™ll be able to enjoy for many years to come?

Start the Year with a New Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Start the Year with a New Smile A brand new year means ample opportunity to start new projects, try new things, and embark on new adventures. What better way to tackle the year ahead of us than with a winning smile on your face? Here are some ways you can make the start of your new year even better.

What to do if you Hate Candy Canes - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What to do if you Hate Candy Canes People have surprisingly strong opinions on candy canes. Think about it, are they really something that you personally enjoy? For some, the answer is an obvious yes, candy canes are a great way to celebrate the winter season. For others, perhaps theyโ€™re best left as ornaments on the tree.

Are Chocolate and Candy Good Presents? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Are Chocolate and Candy Good Presents? Having trouble thinking of what to get your loved ones? Chocolates or candies are popular gift choices and stocking stuffers, but do they really make good presents?

Holiday Goodies and Your Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Holiday Goodies and Your Teeth The number of happy memories made over the holiday season are simply too numerous to count. However, if we had to pick a favourite, it would likely be all the wonderful sweet treats that seem to suddenly flood all the aisles in the grocery store. No matter where you turn, it seems like youโ€™re surrounded by a delicious onslaught of goodies that are determined to get into your pantry.

Wishing you a Happy Holiday from our Clinic! - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Wishing you a Happy Holiday from our Clinic!The holiday season is upon us! Now is the time to take a break from the worries of the world and instead indulge in some quality time spent doing whatever it is you wish. Centennial Smiles is here with some tips on how to make the most out of your holiday vacation time.

How Much Brushing is Too Much? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Much Brushing is Too Much? It may sometimes feel like all dentists ever do is tell you to brush, brush, brush and floss, floss, floss! First thing in the morning, last thing before bed, it seems like all that you ever do is brush and floss and brush some more. Well, today weโ€™re here to tell you that, believe it or not, there can be such a thing as too much brushing.

All About your Toothbrush - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

All About your Toothbrush Your toothbrush is your main weapon against the army of tiny invaders that is dead set on colonizing your teeth. Brushing your teeth helps keep bacterial populations low, removes dental plaque, and of course, scrapes off any leftover food debris.

Three Ways to get a Whiter Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Three Ways to get a Whiter Smile The season most closely associated with the colour white is just around the corner. Though the cold and snow are often preceded by dread, they also mark a season full of family, celebration, and photos. Everyone wants a clean set of pearly whites, so hereโ€™s how you can get exactly that this winter!

Straightening Teeth is About More than a Great Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Straightening Teeth is About More than a Great Smile Almost everyone desires straighter, whiter teeth, but did you know that there are many more benefits to a great smile than just being able to show off? The next time youโ€™re flashing those pearly whites for your friends, take extra joy in knowing that youโ€™re also doing a great job of keeping yourself healthy.

What Should You Hand Out for Halloween? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What Should You Hand Out for Halloween? Halloween is a tradition infamously disliked by dentists, and itโ€™s easy to see why. All that extra sugar and gooey candy is hard on young teeth, meaning more visits to the dentist. As much as we love to see our patients, weโ€™d much rather see them with a set of smiling healthy teeth than a mouthful of cavities.

Balancing Halloween Fun with Cavity Prevention - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Balancing Halloween Fun with Cavity Prevention With Halloween just around the corner, parents and dentists everywhere are gearing up for the rapid influx of patients sporting shiny new cavities. Of course, we understand that consuming and enjoying sugary treats is in the very nature of the Halloween spirit, but that doesnโ€™t mean we canโ€™t be […]

Is it Time for Your Teen to Get Invisalign? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is it Time for Your Teen to Get Invisalign? Being a teenager is difficult in its own unique way. School and peer pressures are nothing to be ignored, and everyone wants to be accepted and fit in with the rest of the crowd. Therefore, it makes perfect sense for your teen to desire a perfect smile with beautifully aligned teeth. However, the path to such a smile is often ridden with years of braces and metal brackets. Although the stigma around braces has died off immensely in recent years, it can remain an area of insecurity for many. Luckily, there is another option available!

Three Tips for the Perfect School Photo Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Three Tips for the Perfect School Photo Smile School picture day is here, and you want your child to look their best. Youโ€™ve got a perfect outfit and hairstyle picked out, but no school photo look is complete without a stunning smile! Worried that teeth whitening will take weeks that you donโ€™t have? Never fear! There are many things you can do just a day before picture day that can make a big difference in your childโ€™s smile.

Get Your Smile Ready for Back to School Photos - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Get Your Smile Ready for Back to School Itโ€™s that time of year again! Back to school sales and merchandise are present everywhere you look. With all the commotion involved in prepping for the new school year, it can be hard to keep track of everything that needs to be done. If your child is entering an important grade this fall, youโ€™ll want to be able to commemorate the moment with a perfect school photo. What does a perfect school photo start with? A brilliant smile, of course!

Skip the Pop This Fall - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Skip the Pop This Fall With fall and school right around the corner, many students may be increasing their consumption of sugary drinks. It can become difficult to keep an eye on consumption while your child is at school. This fall, encourage your children to stay away from pop and look to other beverage options instead.

How Do Implants Work? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Do Implants Work? Dental implants are a relatively common treatment for missing or decaying teeth. They are often necessary in preventing further damage to neighboring teeth or oral health. How do dental implants work, and why are they beneficial?

Is Gum Disease Really That Bad? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Gum Disease Really That Bad? There is often a lot of talk about gum disease and the dangers associated with it. However, you may be under the impression that this isnโ€™t something you should be worried about. So what if my gums feel a little sore every now and then? Well, weโ€™re here today to tell you exactly what you should be concerned about.

Top 5 Dentist Approved Summer Eats - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Top 5 Dentist Approved Summer Eats Summer is in high swing, bringing with it heat, sunlight, and the desire for cool summer treats! With a multitude of sweet treats out there, it can get tricky to sift through them to find what satisfies both your sweet tooth and your dentist. Luckily for you, weโ€™re here to show you how you can develop a great smile over the summer months without sacrificing those sweet treats.

Is Your Smile Ready for Your Wedding? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Your Smile Ready for Your Wedding? Your wedding is one of the most momentous events of your life. As such, youโ€™ll want to make certain that everything goes exactly as planned, and that the execution is perfect. Where does this all start? With a perfect wedding smile!

Should You Brush Your Teeth After Lunch? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Should You Brush Your Teeth After Lunch? It is common practice for most people to brush their teeth in the morning and before bedtime. This time-honoured routine has been passed from parent to child successfully for many generations. However, not many of us give our teeth the same amount of attention after lunch. Why might this be, and what are some potential benefits to adding a third brush into your day?

Helping to Build Your Child’s Flossing Habit - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Helping to Build Your Child's Flossing Habit By now, most of us understand and can appreciate the need for daily brushing. We were taught to treat it as a daily ritual, and have since passed this tradition on to our kids. However, although brushing has become very well established, many Canadians continue to skip flossing, which can be just as beneficial as brushing. Because of this, we often arenโ€™t teaching our children the proper flossing habits either, which can have adverse effects on their young teeth.

Why Preventive Dentistry is Better Than Fixing Problems - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why Preventive Dentistry is Better Than Fixing Problems We often hear of new techniques and procedures in dentistry that offer effective treatment methods. This is, of course, positive and encouraging news, but it can be easy to get caught up in all the different ways we can fix our problems. Instead, it can be a much better idea to take a step back and look at how we can prevent such dental problems from occurring in the first place.

How Is Watermelon Good for Your Kids’ Teeth? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How Is Watermelon Good for Your Kids' Teeth? With summer upon us once again, many people will be on the lookout for a cool and refreshing treat to enjoy during those long hot days. Well, look no further! Watermelon is an excellent choice of summer fruit, packed with nutrients and vitamins that benefit your teeth while also being generally delicious!

Your University Student is Back for the Summer! But How are Their Teeth? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Your University Student is Back for the Summer! But How are Their Teeth? Part of the experience of leaving for university is learning how to take care of oneself, both physically and mentally. As such, proud parents should have full faith that their little grown-ups are scheduling their own dental appointments and checkups, right? Any university student can tell you this sentiment couldnโ€™t be further from the truth.

The Importance of Fluoride Treatments and Fluoridated Water - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

The Importance of Fluoride Treatments and Fluoridated Water Fluoride is a term that is often heard associated with dentistry and tooth decay. There is often a lot of talk over whatโ€™s known as the โ€œfluoride debate.โ€ Cities have discussed time and time again whether or not fluoridating their water is a good idea. Weโ€™re here today to shed some light on this mysterious ion.

Your Newly Graduated Studentโ€™s Last Dental Appointment - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Your Newly Graduated Studentโ€™s Last Dental Appointment So your little one is not quite so little anymore. One day theyโ€™re in your arms and the next day theyโ€™re on their way out the door, ready to begin their new life at a faraway university (which sometimes might just be down the street). Either way, theyโ€™ll be heading to a new environment characterized by busy days and long nights. Most first year university students are much too caught up by all the things happening around them to be bothered to get their teeth checked.

Cosmetic Dentistry for the Perfect Grad Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Cosmetic Dentistry for the Perfect Grad Smile. Youโ€™ve likely heard from somewhere about crowns, bridges, and other dental implants. Perhaps you remember having a โ€œsilver toothโ€ as a child, or know a friend or relative who had to have one installed. But what exactly are these, and what are the terms referring to?

How can Milk Benefit Your Teeth? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How can Milk Benefit Your Teeth? Youโ€™ve probably seen commercials on TV or heard from a friend that milk is an excellent choice of beverage for strengthening teeth. They arenโ€™t wrong! Although many other effects of drinking milk are still poorly understood, there has been much research done showing its benefits for your teeth.

Sugar, Teeth, and Everything Sweet - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Sugar, Teeth, and Everything Sweet Most of us enjoy indulging in a sugary treat every now and then. However, theyโ€™re called that for a reason, and weโ€™ve been told time and time again how too much sugar can have negative impacts on our health and wellness. Itโ€™s also well known that sugar has a detrimental effect on teeth as well, but instead of taking this just at face value, letโ€™s take a look into what exactly is going on as you nibble on that piece of candy.

Benefits of Starting Dental Care Early - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Oral hygiene doesnโ€™t happen overnight. Itโ€™s something that needs to be worked on daily and slowly built up over time. You wonโ€™t see major results from a single night of vigorous brushing. Therefore, itโ€™s essential that proper dental care and healthy habits be established as early as possible in life, as this will set you up for success down the road.

A Whiter Smile for Your Graduation - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

A Whiter Smile for Your Graduation Graduation day is almost here! For many Canadians teens, high school marks the end of formal education and the entry point into the rest of the world and the rest of their lives. High school graduation is a joyous and exciting time of celebration, and youโ€™ll definitely want to […]

Invisalign for Professionals - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Invisalign for Professionals How you present yourself professionally at the workplace or during a presentation is critical in our others perceive you as a worker, and can even impact their assessment of the quality of your work. Having a confident and tidy smile is one excellent way to not only help in this regard, but can also be a major morale booster. While the traditional path to a straight smile required a couple years of suffering in braces, Invisalign offers a brand new path that sees you going about your day to day without the metal train tracks to worry about.

Crowns and Bridges - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Crowns and Bridges Youโ€™ve likely heard from somewhere about crowns, bridges, and other dental implants. Perhaps you remember having a โ€œsilver toothโ€ as a child, or know a friend or relative who had to have one installed. But what exactly are these, and what are the terms referring to?

Avoid Rotten Teeth this Easter - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

degree, very likely incorporating some chocolatey treats into the festivities. ย With all that is going on, it becomes easy to feel a bit too lenient with the amount of chocolate your children are consuming. Although theyโ€™ll be enjoying it in the moment, their teeth wonโ€™t be thanking them in the messy aftermath! Stay conscious of just how much chocolate is passing across your childโ€™s teeth this Easter season.

Protect Your Childโ€™s Teeth This Summer - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Protect Your Childโ€™s Teeth This Summer Itโ€™s a dangerous world out there for small teeth and their owners! Summer can be an especially difficult season due to ample number of various physical activities that your child can get involved in. Besides that however, the lack of school and its strict scheduling can turn the summer holidays into a haze of heat and off sleeping patterns, which can impact your childโ€™s brushing habits. The heat can become an excuse to increase the cold sugary treat intake, leading to more dental issues.

Gum Disease 101 - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Gum Disease 101 What comes to mind when you think of oral health problems? Likely, the first few images that come to mind are of cavities or yellow and rotting teeth. Weโ€™re here today to show you why gum disease should also be up there in your list of problems to be worried about. Whatโ€™s […]

A Graduation Ready Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

A Graduation Ready Smile Graduation is a major milestone for everybody, and the time is almost upon us once more! Future graduates are likely looking now to get their suits and dresses, if they havenโ€™t done so already. However, in the excitement of it all, donโ€™t forget to think about the quality of your smile […]

Invisalign for Teens - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Invisalign for Teens Teenagers are picky about appearances and, although the stigma around having braces has died down a lot recently, may still be reluctant to subject their teeth to the brackets and the wires. Fortunately for them, options like Invisalign are out there to put their minds at ease.

Help Easter be Tooth Friendly! - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Help Easter be Tooth Friendly! With Easter just around the corner, many parents may be looking for some way to prevent their child from having a repeat of the post-Valentineโ€™s day sugar rush. Easter is a dangerous time for those trying to stay away from chocolate, as candied eggs and bunnies seem to be around every turn. However, though it may be near impossible to avoid the chocolate craze all together, some level of care can at least be taken to minimize the number of post-Easter cavities.

Why Fluoride is Awesome, Not Scary - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why Fluoride is Awesome, Not Scary Does the word โ€œfluorideโ€ strike fear into your heart? Donโ€™t let it scare you! Fluoride, from a dental perspective, is a simple and effective way to help reduce the number of cavity cases and strengthen everyoneโ€™s tooth enamel.

All About Dental X-Rays - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

All About Dental X-Rays Youโ€™ve likely heard about x-rays at one point or another. Though, perhaps not in the context of dentistry. X-rays and radiation are topics that tend to get passed around like second hand smoke at airports and malls.

Tips for a Valentineโ€™s Ready Mouth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Tips for a Valentineโ€™s Ready Mouth With Valentineโ€™s Day just around the corner, many of us may be turning our thoughts to that special someone in our life, or perhaps that special someone that we wish to one day soon have in our lives. For all the hopeful romantics out there, hereโ€™s a friendly reminder that having a winning smile starts with proper oral hygiene habits!

Preventative Care 101 - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Preventative Care 101 When it comes to great oral health, itโ€™s easier to maintain it than constantly yo-yo between good habits and bad. Regular basic brushing and flossing habits will do wonders for your teeth and help to keep your smile pearly white. However, life gets busy, and it can often be hard to stick to strict oral hygiene schedules. Itโ€™s always good to have a refresher every now and then to make sure youโ€™re still taking care of your teeth the way you should be.

Should you Brush Before or After Breakfast? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Should you Brush Before or After Breakfast? Brushing your teeth before or after breakfast is one of those debates where no one is able to provide much concrete evidence to support one side or the other. With that in mind, here are some points to support both sides of the argument to help guide you in making your own decision.

New Yearโ€™s Resolution: Better Flossing and Brushing Habits - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

New Yearโ€™s Resolution: Better Flossing and Brushing Habits New yearโ€™s resolutions are always tricky because many tend to fall short of their projected goals. A combination of a lack of commitment or motivation with a lack of time means many resolutions are crushed before they really even get going. However, weโ€™re here to change that. Here are some reasons why your new yearโ€™s resolution should be to develop better flossing and brushing habits, and why you should stick to this one!

New Year New Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

New Year New Smile The incoming new year means incoming new year's resolutions. Many resolutions donโ€™t quite manage to make it much further than the planning stage, and most end up getting faded out due to lack of time or commitment. However, a new smile is a one time decision that can make a positive impact on you for the rest of your life.

Orthodontic Treatment Fixes More than just Aesthetics - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Orthodontic Treatment Fixes More than just Aesthetics The saying โ€œshort term pain for long term gainโ€ is especially true with orthodontic treatment. Ask anyone whoโ€™s had braces in the past and theyโ€™ll be able to confirm. However, the long term gain you receive from powering through an arduous orthodontic treatment period reaches far beyond having straighter teeth. It can go on to ensure that you donโ€™t develop more serious issues down the line, and can also help boost your self confidence.

Teaching Your Child Good Oral Hygiene - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Teaching Your Child Good Oral Hygiene Oral hygiene is a constant never-ending endeavour, and as such, children should be taught good habits starting as soon as possible.

Happy Holidays to our Amazing Patients! - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Happy Holidays to our Amazing Patients! โ€˜Tis the season to be jolly indeed! With the holiday season right around the corner, weโ€™re here to provide you with some fun tips and ideas to make the most of this holiday season while keeping a strong focus on oral care.

Talking About Gum Disease - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Talking About Gum Disease Gum disease is a very real problem that affects many Canadians every year. Due to all the concern and desire for perfect teeth, itโ€™s often overlooked on the list of dental concerns. Weโ€™re here to shed some light on this area of the mouth which is often neglected and provide some tips on what you can do to lower your risk of gum disease.

Pregnancy and Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Pregnancy and Teeth Pregnancy Pregnancy causes a variety of changes throughout the body, and your teeth are certainly no exception. The changes in hormone levels cause your bodyโ€™s response to dental ailments to change, and this can have adverse effects on teeth.

Milk and Teeth: Whatโ€™s the Big Deal? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Milk and Teeth: Whatโ€™s the Big Deal? At one point or another, youโ€™ve likely heard that drinking milk is good for your teeth. Itโ€™s one of those universally accepted truths that just seems to exist in the deepest recesses of our memories. Most of us arenโ€™t even sure where or when we first heard it. However, many Canadians donโ€™t stop to actually think about how milk is beneficial to our teeth. Letโ€™s shed some light on this mystery today.

The Importance of Flossing - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

The Importance of Flossing Maintaining a strong level of oral hygiene isnโ€™t always a piece of cake. In fact, cake is probably the exact opposite of oral hygiene. Keeping teeth healthy and shiny clean is going to take more than simple brushing. Yet despite this common knowledge, many Canadians still arenโ€™t finding the time to incorporate flossing into their nightly rituals. We think itโ€™s high time we revisited the importance of flossing in order to convince you to either start doing it or to keep at it!

Teeth Whitening Before That Big Interview - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Teeth Whitening Before That Big Interview Ensuring a city full of happy and healthy smiles starts right at home. As parents, you have the responsibility of making sure that your child is learning the proper oral hygiene habits they need to nurture a lifelong smile. What are the steps you can take towards achieving this goal?

What is Invisalign? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What is Invisalign? By now, youโ€™re likely aware of options other than traditional metal wire braces when it comes to orthodontic treatment. However, some of these treatment โ€” like Invisalign, are still relatively new, and your average Canadian may not understand them well. Weโ€™re here today to shed some light on what exactly Invisalign is.

Halloween Candy and Kidโ€™s Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Halloween Candy and Kidโ€™s Teeth that time of year again where โ€œstranger dangerโ€ goes out the window and accepting candy from strangers all over the city is considered perfectly normal. Ask any kid what their favourite part of Halloween is and youโ€™re guaranteed to get one obvious response. While all that candy is fine and dandy for your childโ€™s sweet tooth, it's their other teeth that we want to draw your attention to today.

Flossing 101 - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Flossing 101 Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth, yet in spite of this, many of us donโ€™t take the extra time to do so. The difference between flossing and not flossing is a crucial one when it comes to your oral hygiene. Flossing should be more than an extra embellishment on top of brushing and mouthwash. It should be incorporated into your nightly brushing rituals for the best results.

What Halloween Candy Should You Buy? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What Halloween Candy Should You Buy? Halloween may just be the one non-official holiday that kids look forward to the most. After all, whatโ€™s not to like? Colourful costumes, staying up late, and free candy are all things that kids can easily relate to and get excited about. Although your childโ€™s sweet tooth might be in heaven, all that candy definitely results in a drastic increase in the number of cavity cases we see here.

Taking Care of Your Smile During Your Pregnancy - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Taking Care of Your Smile During Your Pregnancy First off: Congratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting but scary time for everyone involved, and the last thing you want is more health complications. However, it is important to be mindful of the changes in your oral health that pregnancy can cause, as taking care of your teeth becomes even more crucial.

How does Gum Disease Affect your Oral Health? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How does Gum Disease Affect your Oral Health? It goes without saying that gum disease isn't something you want to have, and it doesn't take a dentist to know that having it means bad things for your oral health. However, exactly how gum disease affects your oral wellness may not be understood by everyone. We're here to shed some light on the mystery.

Start the New School Year Off Right - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Start the New School Year Off Right The first day of school is exciting and stressful for both you and your child. There tends to be a lot of thinking done about what to wear and how lunch should be handled. (Lunch box or paper bag?) You both want to give off a good first impression, while also making sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. The start of a new school year may be the perfect time to start thinking about orthodontics for your child.

Have a Whiter Smile for Your Wedding Picture - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Have a Whiter Smile for Your Wedding Picture Weddings are notoriously picky about all the tiniest details, which makes sense, as it should be one the best days of your lives! From the cake design to the colours of the chairs, everything needs to be meticulously placed. However, amongst all the decisions, many people often underestimate the importance of their smile! It'll be a prominent part of every photograph, and since this is the happiest day of your life, itโ€™s a good idea to make sure your smile is ready. With that in mind, here's some ways to keep your pearly whites shining for the big day!

Orthodontics for Professionals - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Orthodontics for Professionals Here at Centennial Smiles, we understand that braces can sometimes get in the way of daily life. As inconspicuous as we try to make them, there are some instances where they still prove a hindrance, especially if you're doing a lot of talking and presenting. For the office workers and presenters out there, know that there are options other than traditional braces out there available for you.

Establishing Great Dental Health Early - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Establishing Great Dental Health Early Making sure your smile is healthy and lasts a lifetime begins in childhood, and that means parents have yet another vital responsibility. As a proud family dental clinic, we have the privilege of working with many Calgary parents, and we often get asked about how they can help their kids develop the oral hygiene habits theyโ€™ll need for life.

Why is Flossing so Important? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why is Flossing so Important? The crown of a tooth has five sides. Box-y teeth like molars have more distinct sides than anterior (front) teeth, but they all have four sides and a top/bottom. With excellent twice-daily brushing you can remove all the germs and plaque from the areas pointing in towards the tongue, out towards the cheeks and lips, plus up or down. But even the best tooth-brusher cannot clean the other sides of the tooth โ€” the sides touching other teeth. This is where flossing comes in.

Is Gum Disease Worse than Cavities? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is Gum Disease Worse than Cavities? Your mouth is full of bacteria. Plaque forms on teeth, and without proper brushing, those bacteria will irritate your gums and the soft tissues of your mouth. When you brush or floss, youโ€™ll notice redness and bleeding. Many of our patients feel that, if they donโ€™t have cavities, than nothing else matters. But just because gum disease doesnโ€™t ache like a cavities doesnโ€™t mean you shouldnโ€™t take it seriously.

Preconception & Pregnancy Dental Care - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Preconception Pregnancy Dental Care Whether youโ€™re already pregnant or thinking about trying to conceive, TTC for those of the internet mama-sphere, we have one more appointment for you to add to your busy calendar: a trip to your dentist. Between the million trips to the mall, the nursery decorating, and the other million trips to the doctor, you may feel that going to the dentist is the last thing youโ€™re going to do. But keeping your oral hygiene in check while youโ€™re pregnant is important and harder than you think.

Canker and Cold Sores โ€“ Telling Them Apart and Helping Them Heal - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

CAnyone who has experienced a cold sore or canker sore can attest to how much discomfort these sores can cause and how important it is to know what type of sore you have so that you can treat it accordingly. ย Canker sores are a common complaint as they are unpredictable and caused by a variety of things. This means they can be a persistent problem for some people and a rare occurrence for others. ย The good news is that canker sores are not contagious, but how do you know if your have a canker or cold sore?

Canker Sores โ€“ How to Treat These Bothersome Ulcers - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Canker sores or aphthous ulcers are annoying to say the least. These small ulcers appear in the mouth and can cause a large amount of pain and discomfort to those afflicted. ย Considered to be triggered by numerous factors such as stress, changes in hormones, exposure to certain foods, the presence of a viral infection and trauma, canker sores are hard to prevent and sometimes hard to treat as, in many cases, the ulcer has to run its course, so it can self-heal. ย Understanding what can trigger and irritate canker sores may be the best way to control an outbreak and reduce discomfort

Developing Teeth Need Nutrition - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

During pregnancy a woman is encouraged to eat nutritiously to keep both her and her unborn child healthy. Nutrition isnโ€™t just for the babyโ€™s growth and weight gain, but has a significant influence in the normal development of organs, bones, and teeth. Teeth begin their development between the third and sixth month of pregnancy and rely on a constant supply of vitamins, minerals, calcium, and proteins to mature into viable, functional teeth. A lack of adequate nutrition hampers the growth and development of teeth, which can impact a childโ€™s baby and adult dentition.

Sugar and a Childโ€™s Dental Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Sugar and a Childโ€™s Dental Health Itโ€™s a sweet topic โ€“ sugar and how it impacts a childโ€™s dental health. Should a childโ€™s diet be completely sugar-free or is it ok to include some โ€˜natural sugarsโ€™ in a typical dayโ€™s menu? Is it the quantity of sugar a child is exposed to or the frequency that they are consuming sugar that causes decay and gum inflammation? Everyone loves a little sugar in their life, but when it comes to protecting young childrenโ€™s teeth, how much is too much and how often is too often?

Root Canal Therapy โ€” Saving a Tooth and a Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Root Canal Therapy โ€” Saving a Tooth and a Smile Years ago a tooth with a diseased nerve would have had very few options for treatment. Invariably, it would have been extracted to control discomfort and prevent infection. ย But todayโ€™s dental procedures are designed to preserve a patientโ€™s dental health by avoiding the loss of natural teeth unless extraction is in the patientโ€™s best interest. ย Root canal therapy was created to treat teeth, so extractions can be prevented, and a patientโ€™s natural tooth saved. This helps to preserve the patientโ€™s smile and bite in the long-term.

Night Guards โ€” What You Need to Know About These Appliances - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Night Guards a small appliance that can protect teeth from the damage occurred during sleep when our jaws get to move wherever they want and teeth bear the brunt of unwanted forces. ย Often we feel like night guards donโ€™t get the respect they deserve. Frequently, theyโ€™re thrown on night tables or into drawers, only to be taken out and dusted-off months later when the owner remembers their dental appointment in two weeks. Worse, sometimes theyโ€™re left for the dog to munch on because keeping it safe just seems like way too much work for the thing. ย But the reality is that a night guard can be vital to the health of teeth, gums, and jaw joints, and when worn as specified by a dentist, it can help keep the entire dental system healthy.

Fixing the Gap Between Your Front Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Fixing the Gap Between Your Front Teeth character to your smile and is part what makes you unique. But if you hate the gap youโ€™re probably thinking โ€œI donโ€™t want to be that unique โ€” I want to smile with confidence and not show any gaps,โ€ which is a normal response as a diastema (science-jargon for gap between teeth) may be thought of as annoying or even an imperfection. Many patients enquire on ways to close the gap and create what they consider to be a more aesthetic smile, so donโ€™t feel alone.

Why Does a Tooth Require a Crown? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why Does a Tooth Require a Crown? Sometimes referred to as a โ€œcap,โ€ a dental crown is a very common procedure that is used to restore a damaged tooth to ideal form, function, and aesthetics. The reason why a tooth needs to be crowned can vary from patient to patient and may sometimes be used purely for cosmetic reasons to hide a tooth that has darkened or stained due to medication or illness. But usually, crowns are used in situations where the tooth or teeth are damaged or are at risk of fracturing.

Improving the Shape, Color and Size of Teeth with Bonding - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Improving the Shape, Color and Size of Teeth with Bonding If youโ€™ve thought that changing the color, shape and size of teeth always involved the application of veneers or crowns โ€“ youโ€™re in for a nice surprise. ย Though not all teeth can be adequately transformed with the use of tooth colored bonding material โ€“ moderate improvements that address small chips, too wide of a gap between teeth or a tooth that is slightly out of alignment can respond positively to some strategically placed material that enhances individual teeth and improves a personโ€™s smile.

Tooth Extraction โ€“ Common Reasons to Pull a Tooth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Tooth Extraction โ€“ Common Reasons to Pull a Tooth Tooth Decay is the destruction of tooth enamel - the hard outer layer of the tooth โ€“ and is a result of sugars reacting with bacteria that lives in plaque, releasing acids that erode tooth enamel and the softer underlying tissue called dentin.

Quitting Smoking โ€“ How Your Smile Benefits - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Quitting Smoking Nobody wants to be called a quitter โ€“ but when it comes to throwing away the cigarettes the sooner youโ€™re on the quitting team the better. ย Most people are acutely aware of the health concerns associated with smoking โ€“ from lung disease to cancer โ€“ this habit really does do a number on the body. ย Though we understand that smoking comes with certain health risks, because we canโ€™t see the damage being done and may feel relatively healthy while partaking in the habit โ€“ overtime the impact can be all too deadly. ย But oral disease associated with nicotine use is plainly visible โ€“ and may just clue people in to whatโ€™s happening throughout their body.

Kids Dental Care โ€“ Keeping Young Smiles Cavity Free - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Kids Dental Care โ€“ Keeping Young Smiles Cavity Free Establishing good oral habits in childhood gives patients the best chance of achieving and maintaining optimal dental health throughout life. ย The saying โ€˜ you canโ€™t teach an old dog new tricksโ€™ may be best illustrated when it comes to adults faced with having to commit to new daily oral health habits โ€“ itโ€™s hard and can feel unrewarding due to ongoing dental health concerns. ย Developing healthy dental habits as a child forms a firm foundation for maintaining good dental care throughout a personโ€™s life โ€“ and can actually keep a smile cavity free.

Are You Making These Common Toothbrushing Mistakes? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Itโ€™s the one thing you do every day that makes a huge difference to your health. It doesnโ€™t take much time and it doesnโ€™t require any fancy equipment. Weโ€™re not talking about working-out or eating right โ€“ weโ€™re talking about brushing your teeth! This daily habit can keep your smile healthy when performed correctly โ€“ but brushing mistakes can be detrimental to your oral health.

Electric or Manual โ€“ Does The Toothbrush Make a Difference? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Electric or Manual โ€“ Does The Toothbrush Make a Difference? Ever feel that youโ€™re bombarded with information that focuses on telling you whatโ€™s bad about this and why you should buy that? ย Is it all marketing or is there a benefit to switching gadgets? ย There are many tools, gadgets and paraphernalia that are designed to keep your mouth in tip top condition โ€“ from electric toothbrushes to airflossers โ€“ itโ€™s hard to keep up with the latest and greatest in dental equipment. ย Are they all the same or does new technology win over old reliable methods of cleaning teeth?

Silver Fillings Making You Frown? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Silver Fillings Making You Frown? Hiding your smile because it reveals a mouth of amalgam fillings? ย Dental patients in a certain age group โ€“ the over forties โ€“ all have or have had a silver filling or two. ย Those of us who were prone to decay as children may have a handful of silver (amalgam) restorations that can have too much presence in the mouth โ€“ stopping you from smiling freely. ย If youโ€™re frowning more than smiling it may be time to consider removing old silver fillings.

Tooth Bonding โ€“ How a Little Material can Change a Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Tooth Bonding โ€“ How a Little Material can Change a Smile From broken teeth, gaps between teeth, discoloration and decay โ€“ tooth bonding can not only make your smile healthier โ€“ it can make your smile more attractive. ย Considered a highly conservative method for restoring a tooth to natural form and function โ€“ white colored fillings can provide an esthetic result that makes you wonder why you took so long to fix your smile.

More Dental Facts that Will Make You Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

More Dental Facts that Will Make You Smile Our previous blog touched on some dental facts from the benefits of flossing to reducing your risk of Gum Disease. ย Now you have to admit the thought of someone using dental floss to escape prison does make you want to chuckle just a little โ€“ who knew that little piece of string could be so mis-used. ย Here are a few more facts that will get you thinking about the health of your teeth and might even make you smile.

Dental Facts to Chew On - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Facts to Chew On Teeth and dentistry arenโ€™t all bad โ€“Teeth and dentistry arenโ€™t all bad โ€“ there are actually some interesting facts about those pearly whites that might actually put a smile on your face or at least give you something to chew on when considering your dental health.

Oral Health for Women - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Oral Health for Women Neither men nor women are immune to dental health issues throughout a lifetime. ย But just like many physical health issues โ€“ the difference between the sexes is further revealed when it comes to dealing with dental health concerns that tend to impact one gender at certain times of life.

Visiting The Dentist is Important During Pregnancy - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Visiting The Dentist is Important During Pregnancy The hormone Progesterone is responsible for maintaining a healthy uterine lining throughout a pregnancy โ€“ it is also responsible for an increased production of plaque and resulting puffy gums. ย Seeing the Dentist while pregnant shouldnโ€™t be avoided as changes in hormone levels also impact the mouth.

Letโ€™s Talk About Invisalignยฎ - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Letโ€™s Talk About Invisalignยฎ Our last blog touched on the connection between self-esteem and our smile. Now for some this connection just wonโ€™t resonate because a few crooked teeth doesnโ€™t stop them from rocking life! But it is true to say that we all have parts of our physical being that we just wish were more ideal โ€“ and for some itโ€™s a smile.

Does Our Smile Really Influence Our Self-Esteem? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Does Our Smile Really Influence Our Self-Esteem? Has the pursuit of eternal youth and vitality got us beating ourselves up if our teeth arenโ€™t perfect? ย Has our image obsessed culture got us shying away from social and professional engagements because weโ€™re not sure if our smile measures up?

More Tooth Sensitivity - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

More Tooth Sensitivity Tooth Sensitivity โ€“ Tooth Sensitivity โ€“ something that is triggered by temperature, sugars or pressure. ย Does everyone suffer from Sensitive Teeth and if you have the condition can you treat it? At some point in life it appears that everyone has one or two sensitive teeth โ€“ maybe due to root exposure or maybe wear from grinding โ€“ but tooth sensitivity can be treated so that discomfort is controlled.

Whatโ€™s Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Whatโ€™s Causing Your Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth Sensitivity โ€“ it just isnโ€™t any fun. ย From preventing you from biting unguardedly in to your favorite ice cream to making you grimace when flossing around certain teeth โ€“ thereโ€™s nothing positive about this form of sensitivity and left untreated, pain and discomfort can become a daily dilemma.

What Your Tongue Says About Your Dental Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

What Your Tongue Says About Your Dental Health Tongues โ€“ weโ€™ve all got one โ€“ they come in various sizes โ€“ some are more sensitive than others and some are a whole lot cleaner than others. ย From determining the taste of our favorite foods to revealing signs of illness โ€“ this muscle says a lot about your dental health.

Fluoride โ€“ A Little Does You Good - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Fluoride โ€“ A Little Does You Good It canโ€™t be denied that Fluoride doesnโ€™t always get a good rap โ€“ especially when it comes to dental health and the question โ€˜Do You Need Fluoride?โ€™ ย But the reality is Fluoride plays an important role in the fight against dental decay and when used appropriately can contribute to a healthy smile.

Dental X-Rays โ€“ Revealing More Than Dental Decay - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental X-Rays โ€“ Revealing More Than Dental Decay Are you tempted to skip routine x-rays based on being cavity-free for years? ย Have you been told that dental x-rays are harmful and should be avoided if at all possible? ย The reality is that dental x-rays are an important diagnostic tool that not only detect decay, but can reveal a whole host of other concerns.

Dental Cavities โ€“ Can They Be Shared? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Cavities โ€“ Can They Be Shared? When we think of illness or conditions that can be passed from one person to another itโ€™s Measles, Chickenpox and the common cold that comes to mind โ€“ but Dental Cavities? ย Are they contagious?

Cosmetic Dentistry โ€“ Combining Artistry and Technology - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Patients may be under the impression that Cosmetic Dentistry is a specialty area of dentistry โ€“ itโ€™s actually not. ย But what makes this area of dentistry interesting is that it incorporates the artistic talents of the dentist to analyze a patientโ€™s smile and design teeth that will provide maximum esthetics.

Dental Veneers โ€“ Transforming Smiles - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Veneers โ€“ Transforming Smiles Do you ever look at some smiles and think โ€˜how can they be so perfectโ€™. Great colour, shape and size โ€“ youโ€™re left wondering how Mother Nature could have blessed someone with such an amazing smile while you were given a smile that has way more โ€˜characterโ€™. Well youโ€™ll be pleased to discover that not all smiles are natural โ€“ and getting a head-turning smile may be easier than you imagined.

Periodontal Disease โ€“ What it Means For Your Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Periodontal Disease Itchy gums and Gingivitis was the topic of our last blog and spoke about the importance of seeking dental treatment that addresses the early signs and symptoms of Gingivitis โ€“ before it progresses and becomes Periodontal Disease.

Itchy Gums โ€“ What Your Mouth is Telling You - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Itchy Gums โ€“ What Your Mouth is Telling You Got an itchy feeling coming from your gums? ย Does it feel really good to keep flossing certain areas? ย Itchy gums are a common symptom of Gingivitis โ€“ an inflammation of gum tissue that if not treated early can progress and lead to gum recession.

Dental Implants โ€“ Are They The Right Choice For You? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Implants โ€“ Are They The Right Choice For You? Deciding how to replace a missing tooth can seem overwhelming, as thereโ€™s more than one way to restore a smile. ย Talking with your Calgary Dentist about your dental goals and suitability for different methods of replacement can help you reach a choice of treatment that will keep you smiling for years to come.

Early Orthodontic Treatment โ€“ Preventing Concerns Down the Road? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Early Orthodontic Treatment โ€“ Preventing Concerns Down the Road? Though teeth can be moved at any age to enhance a smile and correct bite imbalances; when it comes to children there are optimal times for beginning orthodontic treatment - taking skeletal development and tooth eruption in to consideration to maximize results.

Helping Your Child Remain Cavity Free - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Helping Your Child Remain Cavity Free If youโ€™ve been following our dental blogs youโ€™ve probably noticed that the team at Centennial Smiles Dental try to impart information that will enhance a patientโ€™s dental and systemic health. ย Weโ€™ve gone on a few rants in the past about sugar and its damaging effects on both the mouth and body โ€“ and this weekโ€™s blog is going to reinforce our avoid sugar philosophy and share some tips on helping young children remain free from dental cavities.

Suffering From Dry Mouth? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Suffering From Dry Mouth? There arenโ€™t many feelings worse than a dry mouth โ€“ a condition that feels as though youโ€™ve been walking in a desert for weeks โ€“ and makes it feel as though your tongue is a piece of old leather and your cheeks will crack with the slightest movement.

Tooth Decay โ€“ You Can Prevent It - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Tooth Decay โ€“ You Can Prevent It Tooth Decay is the destruction of tooth enamel - the hard outer layer of the tooth โ€“ and is a result of sugars reacting with bacteria that lives in plaque, releasing acids that erode tooth enamel and the softer underlying tissue called dentin.

Straightening Your Teeth with Invisalign - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Straightening Your Teeth with Invisalign Orthodontic treatment has never been so efficient, effective and affordable. ย This branch of dentistry has seen dramatic improvements over the last decade in technology, methods and case suitability โ€“ thanks to the ongoing demand from patients to have a stunning smile and healthy bite.

Is it Time to Replace Your Silver Fillings? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Is it Time to Replace Your Silver Fillings? โ€˜If it ainโ€™t broke donโ€™t fix itโ€™ is a saying that can be applied to many life situations โ€“ but when it comes to replacing dental restorations does it apply? ย When we talk about silver fillings (amalgam restorations) most people express their concern with the lack of esthetics this choice of filling provides, but there are other reasons to be taken in to consideration when removing amalgam that reach far beyond esthetics.

Dental Implants โ€“ Restoring a Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Implants โ€“ Restoring a Smile What is it about a smile that turns heads and makes a room light up? ย Is it the color, the shape of teeth, the lip support or the energy that emanates from a smile? ย Could it be the youthfulness, emblem of health or just sheer glow that radiates from a person during a smile?

Invisalignยฎ โ€“ Creating Beautiful Smiles - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Invisalignยฎ โ€“ Creating Beautiful Smiles Just because Mother Nature didnโ€™t bless you with a perfect smile doesnโ€™t mean you have to live with esthetic issues and bite concerns. ย Todayโ€™s orthodontic systems focus on correcting teeth and jaw abnormalities so that everyone can have the smile theyโ€™ve always wanted.

More Dental Myth Debunking - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

More Dental Myth Debunking Our last blog gave you the straight talk on flossing and teeth whitening โ€“ two topics that can sometimes stir up controversial opinions. At Centennial Smiles Dental we recommend both โ€“ regular flossing and creating a whiter, brighter smile that has you grinning from ear to ear. But back to debunking dental myths as there is still some misleading dental health information to dispel.

The Truth Behind Common Dental Myths - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

The Truth Behind Common Dental Myths Myth: a widely held but false belief or idea. Weโ€™ve all heard our fair share of myths, old wivesโ€™ tales and flat out lies โ€“ from โ€˜if you swallow chewing gum it will stay in your stomach for seven yearsโ€™ to the classic โ€˜touching a toad will give you wartsโ€™ โ€“ these somewhat crazy tales have survived decades of human intelligence and are not limited to general situations, as even the dental industry has some interesting myths that require debunking.

Orthodontic Treatment โ€“ Improving Overall Oral Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontic Treatment may be viewed as a process to merely straighten teeth and give someone a head turning smile. ย But the reality is that orthodontic treatment corrects more than crooked and overlapping teeth โ€“ and does in fact enhance a patientโ€™s entire dental health.

Dental Implants โ€“ Restoring Your Smile and Your Dental Health - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental Implants โ€“ Restoring Your Smile and Your Dental Health AAre you faced with having to replace a tooth? Think you have limited options when it comes to restoring a smile that has more than one missing tooth? If youโ€™re past the age of being excited about losing a tooth and having the Tooth Fairy pay you a visit youโ€™re probably ready to hear all your options for replacing teeth and restoring your smile.

Smokeless Tobacco Use โ€“ On the Rise and Causing Problems - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Smokeless Tobacco Use โ€“ On the Rise and Causing Problems Who would ever have thought that snuff, or chewing tobacco, would gain in popularity? Associated with baseball players and cowboys in old westerns โ€“ smokeless tobacco is gaining attention โ€“ and for all the wrong reasons.

Clenching and Grinding of Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Clenching and Grinding of Teeth Maybe youโ€™ve had an elbow in the ribs in the middle of the night to alert you of your grinding habit โ€“ maybe tight, over-stressed facial muscles are reminding you of your daily clenching โ€“ or maybe your teeth are showing the signs of ongoing clenching and grinding. There are […]

Think Oral Health is Just About Preventing Tooth Loss? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Think Oral Health is Just About Preventing Tooth Loss? Your oral health is more important than you might realize as it offers clues about your overall health. The mouth and body are integral to each other and recognizing that the health of one impacts the health of the other enables dental patients to have a […]

Sports Mouthguards โ€“ Theyโ€™re Not Just For Kids - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Sports Mouthguards โ€“ Theyโ€™re Not Just For Kids Parents are great about reminding their kids to wear a bike helmet and mouthguard. But the reality is that sports injuries arenโ€™t just reserved for the young โ€“ they also happen to physically active adults โ€“ and the consequences can be costly. Mouthguards Provide Dental Protection A […]

Does Flossing Really Help With Weight Loss? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Does Flossing Really Help With Weight Loss? Can a piece of string really help you win the battle of the bulge? Dentists obviously are quick to report the numerous oral health benefits that flossing provides โ€“ but itโ€™s not just the mouth that reaps the rewards of a little waxed action. How Does Reducing Inflammation […]

A Little Fluoride Promotes Big Dental Health Benefits - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

A Little Fluoride Promotes Big Dental Health Benefits Downtown Calgary Dentist โ€“ Dr. Rhemtulla โ€“ at Centennial Smiles wants patients to understand that fluoride is not something to be feared or avoided, and that including a monitored amount in a daily oral health routine provides numerous benefits to a personโ€™s smile. Fluoride has had a […]

Extracting Wisdom Teeth โ€“ Why itโ€™s Best To Remove These Molars - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Extracting Wisdom Teeth โ€“ Why itโ€™s Best To Remove These Molars Wisdom Teeth seem to get a lot of attention โ€“ and for all the wrong reasons. These large 3rd molars are located way at the back of the mouth and have a reputation of causing discomfort and hampering the health of other teeth. Why […]

Do You Experience Tooth Sensitivity? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Do You Experience Tooth Sensitivity? Nothing gets your attention like a sensitive tooth โ€“ especially when youโ€™re trying to enjoy an icy treat or mug of your favorite hot drink. A sharp shooting pain is often the result โ€“ reminding you that your tooth (or teeth) needs some attention and TLC. Calgary General Dentist โ€“ […]

Baby Teeth โ€“ Why Theyโ€™re Just as Important as Permanent Teeth - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Baby Teeth โ€“ Why Theyโ€™re Just as Important as Permanent Teeth Downtown Calgary Dentist โ€“ Dr. Rhemtulla of Centennial Smiles โ€“ loves seeing young smiles in her General Dental practice, and stresses the importance of valuing the health of baby teeth โ€“ even if they are going to fall out one day! Baby Teeth Really […]

Straightening Your Teeth with Invisalignยฎ - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Straightening Your Teeth with Invisalignยฎ The desire for straight teeth and a head-turning smile has never been greater. With a never ending stream of media feeds revealing beautiful smiles showing-off straight white teeth โ€“ itโ€™s no surprise to report that more and more people of all ages are considering teeth straightening options. Invisalignยฎ Clear Aligners […]

Teeth Whitening โ€“ Transforming Your Smile - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Teeth Whitening โ€“ Transforming Your Smile What is it about a beautiful white smile that garners attention and envy? Nobody seems to be able to resist gazing at healthy white teeth โ€“ is it due to the youthful effect that screams vitality? Why Whiten Your Teeth? The biggest complaint from patients who are considering teeth […]

Did You Know: 98% of Oral Cancer is Detected by Your Dentist? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Did You Know: 98% of Oral Cancer is Detected by Your Dentist? Havenโ€™tย seen your dentist in a while? With the rise of oral cancerย amongst todayโ€™s young people, itโ€™s important to make regular trips to your dentist forย prevention. Wednesday, May 13, Centennial Smiles, which is located in the downtown core,ย will be hosting a complementary oral cancer screening & education event!ย 4 out of 10 people with oral cancer die within five years of being diagnosed. Regular trips toย the dentistโ€™s greatly reduce the odds of developing oral cancer. The dentist can detectย whether or not youโ€™re affected through manual screening, which involves feeling of the lymphย nodes, and checking out the mouth for abnormalities, or by using VELscope, an enhancedย oral assessment system using natural tissue fluorescence to discover abnormalities in the oralย mucosa.

The Value of Preventative Dental Care - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

The Value of Preventative Dental Care In a time when costs for groceries, education and elective care have never been higher; itโ€™s important to understand the true value of dental services so that educated choices can be made regarding the continuance/discontinuance of procedures. Dental Care in Calgary As Calgarians weโ€™re fortunate to have access to […]

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS Dr. Rhemtullaโ€™s passion for continuous learning has taken her to the Las Vegas Institute (LVI).  At LVI, dentists are educated on the state of the art technology, products, delivery systems and techniques that will allow them to provide comprehensive treatment to their patients. The LVI philosophy is based […]

Prevention is the Best Policy - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Prevention is the Best Policy Regular Dental Exams Help Prevent Serious Dental Problems Here at Centennial Smiles, we value our patientโ€™s oral health, and we are committed to preventing dental problems before they happen. In order to ensure your smiles health, we recommend that all of our patients, both big and small, visit us at […]

keep your teeth safe this summer - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Keep Your Teeth Safe this Summer  Summer is the time for enjoying the great outdoors. However, some popular summer sports โ€“ such as swimming and softball โ€“ can expose your teeth to danger. Here are several seasonal activities that could lead to dental injuries and ways to keep your smile safe: Swimming Frequent swimmers may be at risk […]

Healthy Fundamentals - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Healthy Fundamentals Beautiful teeth can only sustain themselves with the support of healthy gums similar to creating a solid structural foundation before building a house.  Healthy gums help retain teeth in the bone in addition to framing teeth and providing attractive, cosmetic contours. Gum recession is a common dental issue that can be an indicator […]

brush up on your brushing habits - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

brush up on your brushing habits We all know weโ€™re supposed to brush your teeth once in the morning for approximately two minutes and then floss and brush again at bedtime.  But should we be brushing more frequently?  It dependsโ€ฆโ€ฆ. When consuming sugary and sticky foods, acids are produced which lead to tooth decay and […]

How does dental insurance work? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

How does dental insurance work Dental Insurance is a contract between your employer and the dental insurance company. The benefits that you will receive are based on the terms of the contract that were negotiated between your employer and the dental insurance company - not your dental office.

Why dental implants are now the preferred choice of treatment? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Dental implants the preferred choice? Bone loss in your jaw always follows the loss of a tooth.ย  Dental implants can help you to avoid facial changes, speech changes, and diet changes that take place over time as teeth shift and your jaw bone recedes.ย  Dental implants can replace lost teeth giving you a healthy, natural and youthful smile!

Do you have a gluten sensitivity? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Do you have a gluten sensitivity? Recently, there has been a buzz around gluten sensitivities, with more and more people reporting a renewed sense of well-being once they eliminate gluten from their diets. ย A severe form of gluten intolerance is known as celiac disease, and your dentist can play a role in detecting it before you even suspect you have it!

Holiday Stress – Clenching & Grinding - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Holiday Stress - Clenching & Grinding The holidays offer plenty of reasons to be stressed out and anxious โ€“ working late to meet year end deadlines, office parties, studying for final exams but for many, the biggest source of holiday stress is family -- the family dinner, the obligations, and the burden of family tradition.

Your child’s first dental visit should and can be fun! - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Your child's first dental visit I had the pleasure of speaking to many new moms at the Baby and Tot Show a few weeks ago.  Through my conversations with them, it was evident there was conflicting information on when they should bring their child in for their first dental visit.  So when is the best […]

Treating Cold/Canker Sores - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Treating Cold/Canker Sores Cold Sores Oral herpes, more commonly known as cold sores, is caused by a virus that never leaves the body. The virus lies dormant in the central nervous system until it is reactivated by stress, sunlight, sunburn, fever, menstruation, or local skin trauma. When reactivated, the virus travels down the nerves to the skin where it causes painful blisters around the lips, in the mouth, or in about 10% of cases, on the nose chin or cheeks.

Should I Replace My Amalgam (silver) Fillings? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Should I Replace My Amalgam (silver) Fillings? This is a question I get asked frequently?ย  What is an amalgam filling? It's basically a combination of different metals, including about 50% mercury. Studies have shown that that over time, fillings lose their mercury content. The longer the fillings are in your mouth, the higher the amount of mercury will be released from the fillings. Studies also have shown that mercury vapor is released every time you chew and subsequently, concentrations of mercury levels do indeed increase in your bodies' tissues.

Why are my teeth sensitive? - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Why are my teeth sensitive? If you have sensitivity to temperature change, for example hot and cold liquids, in one tooth, you may have a nerve that is becoming or is already non-vital. What does this mean? When a tooth gets damaged from trauma or from decay, force or other factors, the nerve in the tooth will actually die. We call this 'non-vital.' When the nerve becomes non-vital, it can eventually get infected and abscessed. This would necessitate the need for a root canal treatment to preserve the tooth. We will discuss root canals in another blog.

A Tooth-Friendly Diet - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

A Tooth Friendly Diet Everything you eat affects your mouth and consequently your overall health. Dr. Rhemtulla shares nutritional information that will improve your teeth health and benefit your overall health. Here are some foods and nutrients that stand out for good dental health. Calcium Remember the number of times your mum insisted that milk

Play Safe! - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Play Safe! Prevent sporting injuries with the use of mouth guards The mouth and face of a child or young adult can be easily injured if the proper precautions are not used while participating in sports or recreational activities.

Taking Your Oral Health to Heart - Downtown Calgary Dentist - Centennial Smiles Dental

Taking Your Oral Health to Heart Cardiovascular diseases including heart disease, diseases of the blood vessels and stroke are responsible for one-third of all deaths in Canada.

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T2P 0R3

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