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(587) 317-7959

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(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

3 Tips for Picking the Right Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is your primary tool and first line of defence against the waves of bacterial plaque constantly threatening to colonize your teeth. As such, it’s important that you choose wisely to ensure you can maximize the benefit your toothbrush can give to you. Store shelves are filled with a plethora of brushes of all different colours, styles, and sizes. How do you know which toothbrush is the right one for you?

Size and Bristle Type

A well-sized toothbrush is one that can fit comfortably in your mouth while being able to cover around two teeth at a time. Aim to find a toothbrush that has softer bristles. Although you may think that harder bristles means that they are tougher on bacterial plaques, this isn’t necessarily the case. To make matters worse, hard bristles or overly vigorous brushing can cause mechanical damage to the gumline or other sensitive areas of the mouth, leading to complications. Softer bristles mean your brush is easier on your gums while still remaining just as effective.

Manual or Electric

When it comes to cleaning power, manual and electric toothbrushes actually rank pretty much the same. However, electric brushes offer the benefit of being easier to use, especially if you’re someone who has trouble reaching the far corners of your mouth. Electric brushes also assist you by performing the β€œbrushing” motion for you, so all you need to do is run the bristles across the surfaces of your teeth and let the brush do its work. However, if you’ve got the discipline, manual toothbrushes offer you greater control and can result in an equally clean mouth!

How Often Should I Change My Brush?

Your toothbrush should see regular changes around every three months or so. This can vary slightly depending on your brushing patterns and habits. Be sure to keep an eye on the bristles. If they’re looking worn out, replace them earlier! A worn out toothbrush is not going to do a good job cleaning your teeth, no matter how much you brush them. Also, ensure that you find yourself a new brush after getting over an illness. Many toothbrush heads come with indicator bristles that will change colour when it’s time for a change. These are fairly accurate for the most part, but make sure you’re keeping an eye out yourself for signs of wear and tear.

Choosing a toothbrush is easy, but choosing the right one can take a bit of extra work. Taking the time to look for a proper toothbrush will serve you better in the long run. Have more questions? Centennial Smiles is here to help! Feel free to reach us at (587) 317-7959 today!

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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