New Patients:
(587) 317-7959

Existing Patients:
(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Dental X-Rays – Revealing More Than Dental Decay

Are you tempted to skip routine x-rays based on being cavity-free for years?  Have you been told that dental x-rays are harmful and should be avoided if at all possible?  The reality is that dental x-rays are an important diagnostic tool that not only detect decay, but can reveal a whole host of other concerns.

Detecting Dental Abnormalities

Dental x-rays are used to diagnose and detect many different dental concerns ranging from:

DecayAbnormal Tooth PositionAbscessesCysts and TumorsSupernumerary Teeth (extra teeth)Congenitally Missing Teeth *Bone LossThinking that dental x-rays are only used to diagnose decay and issues within a tooth may lead patients to decline this procedure based on a history of having little or no dental decay.  But refusing dental x-rays on an ongoing basis can prevent serious concerns being revealed.  Cancerous and non-cancerous growths can do extensive damage to jaw bones, roots of teeth and oral tissues – often easily viewed on an x-ray, abnormal growths can be biopsied and removed when required.  Without the use of an x-ray serious issues can go undiagnosed; only to be revealed at a stage when a patient’s dental and systemic health is compromised.

How Frequently Do You Need Dental X-rays?

General Dentists at Centennial Smiles Dental in Downtown Calgary encourage patients to talk to their dentist about the need for regular x-rays.  If you have a history of recurrent decay and root canal therapy then it makes sense to remain proactive in maintaining exams and x-rays on a schedule that your dentist recommends.  If you’ve managed to go several years without any new decay then extending the time between x-rays may be an option – but cannot be completely ignored as we’ve explained that dental x-rays aren’t just about decay – they can also save lives by showing abnormal growths that aren’t visible to the naked eye.  And if you want to avoid a raging toothache due to an impacted wisdom tooth or fractured root – allowing your Calgary Dental team to capture x-rays will help them see dental issues that could end-up keeping you up at night.

Not sure when you last had dental x-rays taken?  Talk to the team at Centennial Smiles Dental about getting back on track – (587) 317-7959

All procedures performed by a General Dentist

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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