New Patients:
(587) 317-7959

Existing Patients:
(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

With the new year right around the corner, it might seem like everyone around you is setting goals and thinking of new year’s resolutions for themselves. New year’s resolutions can be notoriously tricky to keep, especially those that require a large time commitment. This year, aim to improve your oral hygiene with some simple healthy habits that won’t eat hours out of your day!

Brushing Habits

One of the most effective ways of improving your oral health is also one that many people can easily forget about. Brushing your teeth daily is crucial in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Brushing will physically remove bacterial plaques and food debris, while the toothpaste you use will coat your teeth in a replenishing coat of fluoride and other important minerals. This can help rebuild lost enamel, fight cavities, and prevent gum disease. If you’ve found yourself skipping out on brushing your teeth, now is the perfect time to redevelop healthy brushing habits. Aim to brush once in the morning and once before going to bed, while also flossing at least once a day.

Mindful Eating

Amidst a busy life, it can be tempting to constantly reach for prepackaged meals and processed foods. Unfortunately, these kinds of food are often loaded with refined carbohydrates, which can negatively impact your teeth and your overall health. This year, make it your goal to incorporate greater amounts of whole foods into your diet. Try to cut out processed foods and opt for leafy vegetables and multigrain wheats. Eating healthy will help reduce your chance of developing cavities and also boost your immune system and help fight cardiovascular disease.

Take Time to Destress

With so many stress-inducing aspects of life, it can be easy to overlook the importance of taking time for self care. Chronic stress can increase cortisol levels and inflammation, damaging your teeth and other aspects of your health. This year, look for small ways through which you can take a moment and recover from the stresses of everyday life. You don’t need to take up yoga or meditation; sometimes relaxing with a nice bath after a long day is all that you need to feel 100% again!

Looking for a simple, effective, and healthy new year’s resolution? Pledging yourself to improving your oral health might be just what you’re looking for! By choosing whole foods and devoting a few minutes to brushing and flossing, you’ll be on your way to a brighter smile. Have further questions, or looking to make an appointment? You can reach us at (587) 317-7959.

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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