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(587) 317-7959

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(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Milk and Teeth: What’s the Big Deal?

At one point or another, you’ve likely heard that drinking milk is good for your teeth. It’s one of those universally accepted truths that just seems to exist in the deepest recesses of our memories. Most of us aren’t even sure where or when we first heard it. However, many Canadians don’t stop to actually think about how milk is beneficial to our teeth. Let’s shed some light on this mystery today.

Dairy Against Decay

Both past and current research has consistently shown that drinking milk regularly leads to stronger teeth and bones. The most likely cause of this is the high calcium content found in milk. Calcium, being a main component of tooth enamel, is critically important in proper tooth growth and maintenance. Besides this, milk also contains proteins called caseins, which have been implicated to help in tooth remineralization.

Milk Against Other Drinks

While there are plenty of reasons why milk is an excellent beverage, it’s benefits really shine when you compare it to the alternatives. Filling the fridge with more milk and less soda is always a positive thing for teeth everywhere. The two biggest causes of tooth decay from food are high acid content and high sugar content. As milk lacks both of these, it instantly becomes an appealing choice. However, like everything else, make sure you’re drinking it in moderation! Milk is high in fat, and it does have some natural sugar. Drinking too much milk can bring problems that start to outweigh the benefits.

Lactose Intolerant

For the lactose intolerant people out there who are reading this in despair, despair no longer! Alternative options such as soy and almond milk are also great sources of all the same nutrients provided by dairy milk. Commercial soy milk is usually calcium fortified, as it naturally contains less than cow’s milk. Those who enjoy calorie counting might be pleased to know that almond milk is lower in calories than dairy milk, assuming there hasn’t been sugar added.

Taking care of your teeth can be challenging due to all the forces working against them everyday. However, small changes can quickly add up to make a big impact, and adding more milk and other calcium rich foods to your diet is an easy way to start. If you have any other questions or concerns, Centennial Smiles is here to help! Contact us at (587) 317-7959.

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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