New Patients:
(587) 317-7959

Existing Patients:
(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Orthodontic Treatment – Improving Overall Oral Health

Orthodontic Treatment may be viewed as a process to merely straighten teeth and give someone a head turning smile.  But the reality is that orthodontic treatment corrects more than crooked and overlapping teeth – and does in fact enhance a patient’s entire dental health.

Bad Bite – Bad Oral Health?

Our general dentists explain that having a bad bite – or malocclusion – doesn’t just involve the health of teeth, but can negatively impact the health of the entire dental system – including gums, bone, facial muscles and jaw joints.  Our past blogs have probably given you a big hint that at Centennial Smiles Dental improvement of a patient’s entire health and vitality is always the goal – with special attention being paid to explaining the mouth body connection and focus on the value of preventative dental care to help avoid more serious, and costly, dental concerns.  Orthodontic Treatment is a corrective and preventative modality – as in the correction of poor tooth alignment other existing or potential dental health concerns are addressed.

Orthodontic Treatment Helps More Than Teeth

Anyone who has lived with crooked, overlapping or rotated teeth will understand that they can be really pesky when it comes to brushing and flossing.  Food particles always tend to gather between crooked teeth – making this area a target for dental decay and inflamed gum tissue.  Brushing around misaligned teeth takes time and patience, as giving a little extra TLC to these areas is often required to maintain optimal dental health.  But sometimes, no matter how much attention a person gives to their oral hygiene, teeth get cavities and gum tissue is constantly red and puffy; bleeding easily when touched and becoming chronically inflamed. Straightening teeth not only provides an aesthetic solution, but create a healthier oral environment, where top and bottom teeth fit together properly and can be easily cared for.

Crooked Teeth and Jaw Joint Issues

Why would crooked teeth be associated with jaw joint discomfort?  In some cases patients who have ill-fitting teeth suffer from jaw pain – which is frequently caused by clenching and grinding – habits that can be the body’s own attempt to balance a bad bite.  When teeth are straightened and brought in to a preferred alignment; top and bottom arches and teeth are in a healthier relationship with one another – often lessening the need to grind and clench.

If you would like more information regarding teeth straightening options and orthodontic treatment available at Centennial Smiles Dental, call the office today at (587) 317-7959. We are always welcoming new patients!

All procedures performed by General Dentists

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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