New Patients:
(587) 317-7959

Existing Patients:
(587) 353-5060

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Prepare Your Smile For Valentine's Day

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, you may be feeling extra conscious about the state of your smile. If you’re planning a romantic evening out, or a quiet evening to yourself, you’ll want to ensure that your teeth are healthy and your smile as bright as ever. What are some things to look out for this Valentine’s Day in order to help protect your oral health?

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular choice for many people throughout the year. If you’ve been thinking about teeth whitening for a while, Valentine’s Day might be the perfect source of motivation. While there exists a myriad of teeth whitening methods out on the internet, your results may vary from what they promise. Speaking to your dentist about teeth whitening is the best place to start.


Valentine’s Day is usually coupled with an increase in chocolate consumption. Perhaps you hope to gift a box of chocolates to a special someone, or take advantage of chocolate sales the day afterwards. Increased chocolate consumption means exposing your teeth to extra levels of sugar, which can increase the rate of tooth decay and enamel wear. Look for chocolate with lower sugar content and higher cocoa content to minimize this exposure. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, remember that it’s totally alright to indulge in a chocolatey treat every now and then, but take care to not overdo it. Ensure you brush your teeth well, and consider following your delicious treat with a swish of water to clean your mouth to have your smile looking its best!

Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that all of us might feel conscious about, especially in a highly stressful first date scenario! Save yourself the stress and anxiety by ensuring a mouthful of clean pearly whites, free from the evils of halitosis. On the morning of your date, brush your teeth thoroughly and follow it up with an equally thorough flossing. Finally, use mouthwash to eliminate lingering bacteria, which cause bad breath, and you’ll be good to go! If your date is going to be lengthy, bring some sugar free mints to help freshen up your breath. Alternatively, pack a small oral hygiene kit to take with you in case you require a touch up.

Centennial Smiles wishes everyone an enjoyable Valentine’s Day! Whether you spend it with others or enjoy the simple pleasure of taking time for yourself, know that we’re here looking out for your teeth every step of the way! Looking to book your next dental appointment? Call us at (587) 317-7959 today to get started!

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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