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(587) 317-7959

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520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

Teeth Whitening Before That Big Interview

One of the reasons interviews are so stressful is because you’re trying so hard to make a good first impression. We dentists aren’t experts on what you should wear or what proper handshake etiquette is, but we can tell you that you’ll want to present your best self to your potential future boss. Consequently, you may want to look into teeth whitening options before the big day.


One of the most important traits employers look for in job candidates is confidence. It’s no secret that a white smile is highly desirable, and it tells the interviewer that you’ve taken the time to treat the interview seriously and think about how you want to present yourself. To reiterate, whiter teeth can have a meaningful impact on your interview, even if it's not in a way you might expect. It's less about the actual whiteness of your teeth and more about what a great smile says about your character. And if whiter teeth give you nothing more than extra confidence, it’ll still make a drastic positive impact. Interviewers are excellent at sensing and picking out confident individuals.

Where do I Sign Up?

If you’ve decided that teeth whitening is worth your while, get going today! Your smile certainly isn’t going to whiten itself! Start planning your whitening regimen early in order to maximize the results. There are tons of commercial tooth whitening options out there that can help you achieve your goal. Whitening strips are effective in the short term, but are more effective the earlier you start using them. If you don’t want to get too invested, you may want to look into some simple home remedies that utilize basic ingredients you likely already have. For those who want a proper professional teeth whitening, speaking to your dentist is your best bet. They’ll be able to suggest the best way to get your teeth whiter on your schedule. But we still recommend booking this appointment early so you have ample time to get whitening before the big interview.

Interviews are a great chance for not only the employer to meet a potential new member of their team, but also for you to exercise your social skills and gauge your confidence level. Whiter teeth can give you that extra confidence boost that just might make the difference. Centennial Smiles is more than happy to help you in your tooth whitening endeavours, as well as answering any questions and addressing any concerns you may have. Good luck!

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

New Patients: (587) 317-7959

Existing Patients: (587) 353-5060

Email: [email protected]

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