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Smile Survival: Halloween Candy Eating Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

Is your child’s Halloween costume ready? How about their goodie basket? 

Halloween, as always, is teeming with sweets. It’s a tradition that both children and adults look forward to. But this fun celebration can turn out to be unpleasant for the teeth.

Letting children reach through their stockpile of candies the entire day can damage their teeth. They don't have to miss out on all the festivities, but it's crucial to remind them of the importance of eating sweets in moderation and maintaining good oral hygiene habits. 

Smile survival guide for the Halloween

Your dental team in Calgary, Alberta would also love to hear about your family’s holiday stories. That said, we've listed down some tips so your child can enjoy their goodie haul while keeping their teeth cavity-free.

  1. Sort out their bags. Some types of candies or sweets are less harmful than others. They dissolve faster and don’t cling to the surfaces of the teeth. Steer clear of hard candies and lollipops, if possible, as these sweets are sticky and stay in the mouth longer. They're also sucked on for an extended period, which prolongs sugar exposure to teeth. Chocolates are easier to wash off and some types can also be healthy, such as dark chocolate
  2. Time it. Don’t let your child graze throughout the day. Keep their sweets for them and give them some to indulge in during meals or snack times. Saliva levels are higher during mealtimes because of the chewing motion in the mouth. This can help rinse away sugar faster. Control serving sizes to prevent your child from eating too many sweets at once.
  3. Rinse after eating. Have your child drink water or rinse their mouth after eating sweets. This will help dislodge food deposits from the mouth and keep them from staying too long on the surfaces of the teeth. Water also moisturizes the mouth and neutralizes acid levels. 
  4. Floss and brush teeth. Brushing gets rid of debris on teeth before it turns into plaque. But it doesn't cover all mouth areas. A piece of floss can get into the back areas and tight spaces between teeth. Flossing can also take out clingy candies more effectively. Younger children will need assistance in flossing their teeth. Talk to your dentist about which floss type is most suitable for your child.
  5. Combine sweets with healthy snacks. Consider serving sweets along with healthy snacks such as fruit and vegetables. This can also help stimulate salivary flow and keep plaque from building up. Apples and carrots help sweep deposits off the tooth surface. You may be able to encourage your child to give them a try if you offer them with sweets that they love. 
  6. Avoid sugary or carbonated beverages. It's not always the amount of sweets that is harmful, but the length of time the teeth are exposed to them.  Sugary or carbonated beverages, such as soda, cling to the teeth and make them more vulnerable to acid attacks. Coupled with sweets and poor dental care, they can damage the enamel and cause discomfort. 
  7. Consider alternating sweets with toys for trick-or-treaters. This will help reduce children's exposure to too many sweets. Or, you may also host simple activities or games so children will know that Halloween involves a lot more than collecting and munching on sugary treats.

Finally, ensure your child brushes their teeth before hitting the bed after a long day of festivities. 

See your dentist in Calgary, Alberta, for routine dental appointments

Sweets don't have to get in the way of keeping your child's smile healthy. Talk to them about the benefits of limiting sugar consumption, cleaning their mouths, and going for dental checkups and hygiene cleanings

If you need dental care services in Calgary, Alberta for your family, get in touch with us at Centennial Smiles Dental. We’re happy to educate and demonstrate to your child how to keep their smile strong and beautiful despite their fondness for candies.

520 3rd Ave SW Unit #245
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3

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